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Module containing logic for loading datasets.


Bases: Dataset

Base Dataset for microscopy and sleap datasets to override.

Source code in dreem/datasets/
class BaseDataset(Dataset):
    """Base Dataset for microscopy and sleap datasets to override."""

    def __init__(
        label_files: list[str],
        vid_files: list[str],
        padding: int,
        crop_size: int,
        chunk: bool,
        clip_length: int,
        mode: str,
        augmentations: dict = None,
        n_chunks: Union[int, float] = 1.0,
        seed: int = None,
        gt_list: str = None,
        """Initialize Dataset.

            label_files: a list of paths to label files.
                should at least contain detections for inference, detections + tracks for training.
            vid_files: list of paths to video files.
            padding: amount of padding around object crops
            crop_size: the size of the object crops
            chunk: whether or not to chunk the dataset into batches
            clip_length: the number of frames in each chunk
            mode: `train` or `val`. Determines whether this dataset is used for
                training or validation. Currently doesn't affect dataset logic
            augmentations: An optional dict mapping augmentations to parameters.
                See subclasses for details.
            n_chunks: Number of chunks to subsample from.
                Can either a fraction of the dataset (ie (0,1.0]) or number of chunks
            seed: set a seed for reproducibility
            gt_list: An optional path to .txt file containing ground truth for
                cell tracking challenge datasets.
        self.vid_files = vid_files
        self.label_files = label_files
        self.padding = padding
        self.crop_size = crop_size
        self.chunk = chunk
        self.clip_length = clip_length
        self.mode = mode
        self.n_chunks = n_chunks
        self.seed = seed

        if self.seed is not None:

        if augmentations and self.mode == "train":
            self.instance_dropout = augmentations.pop(
                "InstanceDropout", {"p": 0.0, "n": 0}
            self.node_dropout = data_utils.NodeDropout(
                **augmentations.pop("NodeDropout", {"p": 0.0, "n": 0})
            self.augmentations = data_utils.build_augmentations(augmentations)
            self.instance_dropout = {"p": 0.0, "n": 0}
            self.node_dropout = data_utils.NodeDropout(p=0.0, n=0)
            self.augmentations = None

        # Initialize in subclasses
        self.frame_idx = None
        self.labels = None
        self.gt_list = None

    def create_chunks(self) -> None:
        """Get indexing for data.

        Creates both indexes for selecting dataset (label_idx) and frame in
        dataset (chunked_frame_idx). If chunking is false, we index directly
        using the frame ids. Setting chunking to true creates a list of lists
        containing chunk frames for indexing. This is useful for computational
        efficiency and data shuffling. To be called by subclass __init__()
        if self.chunk:
            self.chunked_frame_idx, self.label_idx = [], []
            for i, frame_idx in enumerate(self.frame_idx):
                frame_idx_split = torch.split(frame_idx, self.clip_length)
                self.label_idx.extend(len(frame_idx_split) * [i])

            if self.n_chunks > 0 and self.n_chunks <= 1.0:
                n_chunks = int(self.n_chunks * len(self.chunked_frame_idx))

            elif self.n_chunks <= len(self.chunked_frame_idx):
                n_chunks = int(self.n_chunks)

                n_chunks = len(self.chunked_frame_idx)

            if n_chunks > 0 and n_chunks < len(self.chunked_frame_idx):
                sample_idx = np.random.choice(
                    np.arange(len(self.chunked_frame_idx)), n_chunks, replace=False

                self.chunked_frame_idx = [self.chunked_frame_idx[i] for i in sample_idx]

                self.label_idx = [self.label_idx[i] for i in sample_idx]

            self.chunked_frame_idx = self.frame_idx
            self.label_idx = [i for i in range(len(self.labels))]

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        """Get the size of the dataset.

            the size or the number of chunks in the dataset
        return len(self.chunked_frame_idx)

    def no_batching_fn(self, batch: list[Frame]) -> List[Frame]:
        """Collate function used to overwrite dataloader batching function.

            batch: the chunk of frames to be returned

            The batch
        return batch

    def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> List[Frame]:
        """Get an element of the dataset.

            idx: the index of the batch. Note this is not the index of the video
                or the frame.

            A list of `Frame`s in the chunk containing the metadata + instance features.
        label_idx, frame_idx = self.get_indices(idx)

        return self.get_instances(label_idx, frame_idx)

    def get_indices(self, idx: int):
        """Retrieve label and frame indices given batch index.

        This method should be implemented in any subclass of the BaseDataset.

            idx: the index of the batch.

            NotImplementedError: If this method is not overridden in a subclass.
        raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented in subclass")

    def get_instances(self, label_idx: List[int], frame_idx: List[int]):
        """Build chunk of frames.

        This method should be implemented in any subclass of the BaseDataset.

            label_idx: The index of the labels.
            frame_idx: The index of the frames.

            NotImplementedError: If this method is not overridden in a subclass.
        raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented in subclass")


Get an element of the dataset.


Name Type Description Default
idx int

the index of the batch. Note this is not the index of the video or the frame.



Type Description

A list of Frames in the chunk containing the metadata + instance features.

Source code in dreem/datasets/
def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> List[Frame]:
    """Get an element of the dataset.

        idx: the index of the batch. Note this is not the index of the video
            or the frame.

        A list of `Frame`s in the chunk containing the metadata + instance features.
    label_idx, frame_idx = self.get_indices(idx)

    return self.get_instances(label_idx, frame_idx)

__init__(label_files, vid_files, padding, crop_size, chunk, clip_length, mode, augmentations=None, n_chunks=1.0, seed=None, gt_list=None)

Initialize Dataset.


Name Type Description Default
label_files list[str]

a list of paths to label files. should at least contain detections for inference, detections + tracks for training.

vid_files list[str]

list of paths to video files.

padding int

amount of padding around object crops

crop_size int

the size of the object crops

chunk bool

whether or not to chunk the dataset into batches

clip_length int

the number of frames in each chunk

mode str

train or val. Determines whether this dataset is used for training or validation. Currently doesn't affect dataset logic

augmentations dict

An optional dict mapping augmentations to parameters. See subclasses for details.

n_chunks Union[int, float]

Number of chunks to subsample from. Can either a fraction of the dataset (ie (0,1.0]) or number of chunks

seed int

set a seed for reproducibility

gt_list str

An optional path to .txt file containing ground truth for cell tracking challenge datasets.

Source code in dreem/datasets/
def __init__(
    label_files: list[str],
    vid_files: list[str],
    padding: int,
    crop_size: int,
    chunk: bool,
    clip_length: int,
    mode: str,
    augmentations: dict = None,
    n_chunks: Union[int, float] = 1.0,
    seed: int = None,
    gt_list: str = None,
    """Initialize Dataset.

        label_files: a list of paths to label files.
            should at least contain detections for inference, detections + tracks for training.
        vid_files: list of paths to video files.
        padding: amount of padding around object crops
        crop_size: the size of the object crops
        chunk: whether or not to chunk the dataset into batches
        clip_length: the number of frames in each chunk
        mode: `train` or `val`. Determines whether this dataset is used for
            training or validation. Currently doesn't affect dataset logic
        augmentations: An optional dict mapping augmentations to parameters.
            See subclasses for details.
        n_chunks: Number of chunks to subsample from.
            Can either a fraction of the dataset (ie (0,1.0]) or number of chunks
        seed: set a seed for reproducibility
        gt_list: An optional path to .txt file containing ground truth for
            cell tracking challenge datasets.
    self.vid_files = vid_files
    self.label_files = label_files
    self.padding = padding
    self.crop_size = crop_size
    self.chunk = chunk
    self.clip_length = clip_length
    self.mode = mode
    self.n_chunks = n_chunks
    self.seed = seed

    if self.seed is not None:

    if augmentations and self.mode == "train":
        self.instance_dropout = augmentations.pop(
            "InstanceDropout", {"p": 0.0, "n": 0}
        self.node_dropout = data_utils.NodeDropout(
            **augmentations.pop("NodeDropout", {"p": 0.0, "n": 0})
        self.augmentations = data_utils.build_augmentations(augmentations)
        self.instance_dropout = {"p": 0.0, "n": 0}
        self.node_dropout = data_utils.NodeDropout(p=0.0, n=0)
        self.augmentations = None

    # Initialize in subclasses
    self.frame_idx = None
    self.labels = None
    self.gt_list = None


Get the size of the dataset.


Type Description

the size or the number of chunks in the dataset

Source code in dreem/datasets/
def __len__(self) -> int:
    """Get the size of the dataset.

        the size or the number of chunks in the dataset
    return len(self.chunked_frame_idx)


Get indexing for data.

Creates both indexes for selecting dataset (label_idx) and frame in dataset (chunked_frame_idx). If chunking is false, we index directly using the frame ids. Setting chunking to true creates a list of lists containing chunk frames for indexing. This is useful for computational efficiency and data shuffling. To be called by subclass init()

Source code in dreem/datasets/
def create_chunks(self) -> None:
    """Get indexing for data.

    Creates both indexes for selecting dataset (label_idx) and frame in
    dataset (chunked_frame_idx). If chunking is false, we index directly
    using the frame ids. Setting chunking to true creates a list of lists
    containing chunk frames for indexing. This is useful for computational
    efficiency and data shuffling. To be called by subclass __init__()
    if self.chunk:
        self.chunked_frame_idx, self.label_idx = [], []
        for i, frame_idx in enumerate(self.frame_idx):
            frame_idx_split = torch.split(frame_idx, self.clip_length)
            self.label_idx.extend(len(frame_idx_split) * [i])

        if self.n_chunks > 0 and self.n_chunks <= 1.0:
            n_chunks = int(self.n_chunks * len(self.chunked_frame_idx))

        elif self.n_chunks <= len(self.chunked_frame_idx):
            n_chunks = int(self.n_chunks)

            n_chunks = len(self.chunked_frame_idx)

        if n_chunks > 0 and n_chunks < len(self.chunked_frame_idx):
            sample_idx = np.random.choice(
                np.arange(len(self.chunked_frame_idx)), n_chunks, replace=False

            self.chunked_frame_idx = [self.chunked_frame_idx[i] for i in sample_idx]

            self.label_idx = [self.label_idx[i] for i in sample_idx]

        self.chunked_frame_idx = self.frame_idx
        self.label_idx = [i for i in range(len(self.labels))]


Retrieve label and frame indices given batch index.

This method should be implemented in any subclass of the BaseDataset.


Name Type Description Default
idx int

the index of the batch.



Type Description

If this method is not overridden in a subclass.

Source code in dreem/datasets/
def get_indices(self, idx: int):
    """Retrieve label and frame indices given batch index.

    This method should be implemented in any subclass of the BaseDataset.

        idx: the index of the batch.

        NotImplementedError: If this method is not overridden in a subclass.
    raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented in subclass")

get_instances(label_idx, frame_idx)

Build chunk of frames.

This method should be implemented in any subclass of the BaseDataset.


Name Type Description Default
label_idx List[int]

The index of the labels.

frame_idx List[int]

The index of the frames.



Type Description

If this method is not overridden in a subclass.

Source code in dreem/datasets/
def get_instances(self, label_idx: List[int], frame_idx: List[int]):
    """Build chunk of frames.

    This method should be implemented in any subclass of the BaseDataset.

        label_idx: The index of the labels.
        frame_idx: The index of the frames.

        NotImplementedError: If this method is not overridden in a subclass.
    raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented in subclass")


Collate function used to overwrite dataloader batching function.


Name Type Description Default
batch list[Frame]

the chunk of frames to be returned



Type Description

The batch

Source code in dreem/datasets/
def no_batching_fn(self, batch: list[Frame]) -> List[Frame]:
    """Collate function used to overwrite dataloader batching function.

        batch: the chunk of frames to be returned

        The batch
    return batch