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Bases: LightningModule

A lightning wrapper around GTR model.

Used for training, validation and inference.

Source code in dreem/models/
class GTRRunner(LightningModule):
    """A lightning wrapper around GTR model.

    Used for training, validation and inference.

        "train": [],
        "val": ["num_switches"],
        "test": ["num_switches"],
        "train": False,
        "val": True,
        "test": True,

    def __init__(
        model_cfg: dict = None,
        tracker_cfg: dict = None,
        loss_cfg: dict = None,
        optimizer_cfg: dict = None,
        scheduler_cfg: dict = None,
        metrics: dict[str, list[str]] = None,
        persistent_tracking: dict[str, bool] = None,
        """Initialize a lightning module for GTR.

            model_cfg: hyperparameters for GlobalTrackingTransformer
            tracker_cfg: The parameters used for the tracker post-processing
            loss_cfg: hyperparameters for AssoLoss
            optimizer_cfg: hyper parameters used for optimizer.
                       Only used to overwrite `configure_optimizer`
            scheduler_cfg: hyperparameters for lr_scheduler used to overwrite `configure_optimizer
            metrics: a dict containing the metrics to be computed during train, val, and test.
            persistent_tracking: a dict containing whether to use persistent tracking during train, val and test inference.

        model_cfg = model_cfg if model_cfg else {}
        loss_cfg = loss_cfg if loss_cfg else {}
        tracker_cfg = tracker_cfg if tracker_cfg else {}

        _ = model_cfg.pop("ckpt_path", None)
        self.model = GlobalTrackingTransformer(**model_cfg)
        self.loss = AssoLoss(**loss_cfg)
        self.tracker = Tracker(**tracker_cfg)

        self.optimizer_cfg = optimizer_cfg
        self.scheduler_cfg = scheduler_cfg

        self.metrics = metrics if metrics is not None else self.DEFAULT_METRICS
        self.persistent_tracking = (
            if persistent_tracking is not None
            else self.DEFAULT_TRACKING

    def forward(
        ref_instances: list[""],
        query_instances: list[""] = None,
    ) -> torch.Tensor:
        """Execute forward pass of the lightning module.

            ref_instances: a list of `Instance` objects containing crops and other data needed for transformer model
            query_instances: a list of `Instance` objects used as queries in the decoder. Mostly used for inference.

            An association matrix between objects
        asso_preds = self.model(ref_instances, query_instances)
        return asso_preds

    def training_step(
        self, train_batch: list[list[""]], batch_idx: int
    ) -> dict[str, float]:
        """Execute single training step for model.

            train_batch: A single batch from the dataset which is a list of `Frame` objects
                        with length `clip_length` containing Instances and other metadata.
            batch_idx: the batch number used by lightning

            A dict containing the train loss plus any other metrics specified
        result = self._shared_eval_step(train_batch[0], mode="train")
        self.log_metrics(result, len(train_batch[0]), "train")

        return result

    def validation_step(
        self, val_batch: list[list[""]], batch_idx: int
    ) -> dict[str, float]:
        """Execute single val step for model.

            val_batch: A single batch from the dataset which is a list of `Frame` objects
                        with length `clip_length` containing Instances and other metadata.
            batch_idx: the batch number used by lightning

            A dict containing the val loss plus any other metrics specified
        result = self._shared_eval_step(val_batch[0], mode="val")
        self.log_metrics(result, len(val_batch[0]), "val")

        return result

    def test_step(
        self, test_batch: list[list[""]], batch_idx: int
    ) -> dict[str, float]:
        """Execute single test step for model.

            test_batch: A single batch from the dataset which is a list of `Frame` objects
                        with length `clip_length` containing Instances and other metadata.
            batch_idx: the batch number used by lightning

            A dict containing the val loss plus any other metrics specified
        result = self._shared_eval_step(test_batch[0], mode="test")
        self.log_metrics(result, len(test_batch[0]), "test")

        return result

    def predict_step(
        self, batch: list[list[""]], batch_idx: int
    ) -> list[""]:
        """Run inference for model.

        Computes association + assignment.

            batch: A single batch from the dataset which is a list of `Frame` objects
                    with length `clip_length` containing Instances and other metadata.
            batch_idx: the batch number used by lightning

            A list of dicts where each dict is a frame containing the predicted track ids
        frames_pred = self.tracker(self.model, batch[0])
        return frames_pred

    def _shared_eval_step(
        self, frames: list[""], mode: str
    ) -> dict[str, float]:
        """Run evaluation used by train, test, and val steps.

            frames: A list of dicts where each dict is a frame containing gt data
            mode: which metrics to compute and whether to use persistent tracking or not

            a dict containing the loss and any other metrics specified by `eval_metrics`
            instances = [instance for frame in frames for instance in frame.instances]

            if len(instances) == 0:
                return None

            eval_metrics = self.metrics[mode]
            persistent_tracking = self.persistent_tracking[mode]

            logits = self(instances)
            logits = [asso.matrix for asso in logits]
            loss = self.loss(logits, frames)

            return_metrics = {"loss": loss}
            if eval_metrics is not None and len(eval_metrics) > 0:
                self.tracker.persistent_tracking = persistent_tracking

                frames_pred = self.tracker(self.model, frames)

                frames_mm = metrics.to_track_eval(frames_pred)
                clearmot = metrics.get_pymotmetrics(frames_mm, eval_metrics)

            return_metrics["batch_size"] = len(frames)
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Failed on frame {frames[0].frame_id} of video {frames[0].video_id}")
            raise (e)

        return return_metrics

    def configure_optimizers(self) -> dict:
        """Get optimizers and schedulers for training.

        Is overridden by config but defaults to Adam + ReduceLROnPlateau.

            an optimizer config dict containing the optimizer, scheduler, and scheduler params
        # todo: init from config
        if self.optimizer_cfg is None:
            optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.parameters(), lr=1e-4, betas=(0.9, 0.999))
            optimizer = init_optimizer(self.parameters(), self.optimizer_cfg)

        if self.scheduler_cfg is None:
            scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau(
                optimizer, "min", 0.5, 10
            scheduler = init_scheduler(optimizer, self.scheduler_cfg)

        return {
            "optimizer": optimizer,
            "lr_scheduler": {
                "scheduler": scheduler,
                "monitor": "val_loss",
                "interval": "epoch",
                "frequency": 10,

    def log_metrics(self, result: dict, batch_size: int, mode: str) -> None:
        """Log metrics computed during evaluation.

            result: A dict containing metrics to be logged.
            batch_size: the size of the batch used to compute the metrics
            mode: One of {'train', 'test' or 'val'}. Used as prefix while logging.
        if result:
            batch_size = result.pop("batch_size")
            for metric, val in result.items():
                if isinstance(val, torch.Tensor):
                    val = val.item()
                self.log(f"{mode}_{metric}", val, batch_size=batch_size)

    def on_validation_epoch_end(self):
        """Execute hook for validation end.

        Currently, we simply clear the gpu cache and do garbage collection.

__init__(model_cfg=None, tracker_cfg=None, loss_cfg=None, optimizer_cfg=None, scheduler_cfg=None, metrics=None, persistent_tracking=None)

Initialize a lightning module for GTR.


Name Type Description Default
model_cfg dict

hyperparameters for GlobalTrackingTransformer

tracker_cfg dict

The parameters used for the tracker post-processing

loss_cfg dict

hyperparameters for AssoLoss

optimizer_cfg dict

hyper parameters used for optimizer. Only used to overwrite configure_optimizer

scheduler_cfg dict

hyperparameters for lr_scheduler used to overwrite `configure_optimizer

metrics dict[str, list[str]]

a dict containing the metrics to be computed during train, val, and test.

persistent_tracking dict[str, bool]

a dict containing whether to use persistent tracking during train, val and test inference.

Source code in dreem/models/
def __init__(
    model_cfg: dict = None,
    tracker_cfg: dict = None,
    loss_cfg: dict = None,
    optimizer_cfg: dict = None,
    scheduler_cfg: dict = None,
    metrics: dict[str, list[str]] = None,
    persistent_tracking: dict[str, bool] = None,
    """Initialize a lightning module for GTR.

        model_cfg: hyperparameters for GlobalTrackingTransformer
        tracker_cfg: The parameters used for the tracker post-processing
        loss_cfg: hyperparameters for AssoLoss
        optimizer_cfg: hyper parameters used for optimizer.
                   Only used to overwrite `configure_optimizer`
        scheduler_cfg: hyperparameters for lr_scheduler used to overwrite `configure_optimizer
        metrics: a dict containing the metrics to be computed during train, val, and test.
        persistent_tracking: a dict containing whether to use persistent tracking during train, val and test inference.

    model_cfg = model_cfg if model_cfg else {}
    loss_cfg = loss_cfg if loss_cfg else {}
    tracker_cfg = tracker_cfg if tracker_cfg else {}

    _ = model_cfg.pop("ckpt_path", None)
    self.model = GlobalTrackingTransformer(**model_cfg)
    self.loss = AssoLoss(**loss_cfg)
    self.tracker = Tracker(**tracker_cfg)

    self.optimizer_cfg = optimizer_cfg
    self.scheduler_cfg = scheduler_cfg

    self.metrics = metrics if metrics is not None else self.DEFAULT_METRICS
    self.persistent_tracking = (
        if persistent_tracking is not None
        else self.DEFAULT_TRACKING


Get optimizers and schedulers for training.

Is overridden by config but defaults to Adam + ReduceLROnPlateau.


Type Description

an optimizer config dict containing the optimizer, scheduler, and scheduler params

Source code in dreem/models/
def configure_optimizers(self) -> dict:
    """Get optimizers and schedulers for training.

    Is overridden by config but defaults to Adam + ReduceLROnPlateau.

        an optimizer config dict containing the optimizer, scheduler, and scheduler params
    # todo: init from config
    if self.optimizer_cfg is None:
        optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.parameters(), lr=1e-4, betas=(0.9, 0.999))
        optimizer = init_optimizer(self.parameters(), self.optimizer_cfg)

    if self.scheduler_cfg is None:
        scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau(
            optimizer, "min", 0.5, 10
        scheduler = init_scheduler(optimizer, self.scheduler_cfg)

    return {
        "optimizer": optimizer,
        "lr_scheduler": {
            "scheduler": scheduler,
            "monitor": "val_loss",
            "interval": "epoch",
            "frequency": 10,

forward(ref_instances, query_instances=None)

Execute forward pass of the lightning module.


Name Type Description Default
ref_instances list[Instance]

a list of Instance objects containing crops and other data needed for transformer model

query_instances list[Instance]

a list of Instance objects used as queries in the decoder. Mostly used for inference.



Type Description

An association matrix between objects

Source code in dreem/models/
def forward(
    ref_instances: list[""],
    query_instances: list[""] = None,
) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Execute forward pass of the lightning module.

        ref_instances: a list of `Instance` objects containing crops and other data needed for transformer model
        query_instances: a list of `Instance` objects used as queries in the decoder. Mostly used for inference.

        An association matrix between objects
    asso_preds = self.model(ref_instances, query_instances)
    return asso_preds

log_metrics(result, batch_size, mode)

Log metrics computed during evaluation.


Name Type Description Default
result dict

A dict containing metrics to be logged.

batch_size int

the size of the batch used to compute the metrics

mode str

One of {'train', 'test' or 'val'}. Used as prefix while logging.

Source code in dreem/models/
def log_metrics(self, result: dict, batch_size: int, mode: str) -> None:
    """Log metrics computed during evaluation.

        result: A dict containing metrics to be logged.
        batch_size: the size of the batch used to compute the metrics
        mode: One of {'train', 'test' or 'val'}. Used as prefix while logging.
    if result:
        batch_size = result.pop("batch_size")
        for metric, val in result.items():
            if isinstance(val, torch.Tensor):
                val = val.item()
            self.log(f"{mode}_{metric}", val, batch_size=batch_size)


Execute hook for validation end.

Currently, we simply clear the gpu cache and do garbage collection.

Source code in dreem/models/
def on_validation_epoch_end(self):
    """Execute hook for validation end.

    Currently, we simply clear the gpu cache and do garbage collection.

predict_step(batch, batch_idx)

Run inference for model.

Computes association + assignment.


Name Type Description Default
batch list[list[Frame]]

A single batch from the dataset which is a list of Frame objects with length clip_length containing Instances and other metadata.

batch_idx int

the batch number used by lightning



Type Description

A list of dicts where each dict is a frame containing the predicted track ids

Source code in dreem/models/
def predict_step(
    self, batch: list[list[""]], batch_idx: int
) -> list[""]:
    """Run inference for model.

    Computes association + assignment.

        batch: A single batch from the dataset which is a list of `Frame` objects
                with length `clip_length` containing Instances and other metadata.
        batch_idx: the batch number used by lightning

        A list of dicts where each dict is a frame containing the predicted track ids
    frames_pred = self.tracker(self.model, batch[0])
    return frames_pred

test_step(test_batch, batch_idx)

Execute single test step for model.


Name Type Description Default
test_batch list[list[Frame]]

A single batch from the dataset which is a list of Frame objects with length clip_length containing Instances and other metadata.

batch_idx int

the batch number used by lightning



Type Description
dict[str, float]

A dict containing the val loss plus any other metrics specified

Source code in dreem/models/
def test_step(
    self, test_batch: list[list[""]], batch_idx: int
) -> dict[str, float]:
    """Execute single test step for model.

        test_batch: A single batch from the dataset which is a list of `Frame` objects
                    with length `clip_length` containing Instances and other metadata.
        batch_idx: the batch number used by lightning

        A dict containing the val loss plus any other metrics specified
    result = self._shared_eval_step(test_batch[0], mode="test")
    self.log_metrics(result, len(test_batch[0]), "test")

    return result

training_step(train_batch, batch_idx)

Execute single training step for model.


Name Type Description Default
train_batch list[list[Frame]]

A single batch from the dataset which is a list of Frame objects with length clip_length containing Instances and other metadata.

batch_idx int

the batch number used by lightning



Type Description
dict[str, float]

A dict containing the train loss plus any other metrics specified

Source code in dreem/models/
def training_step(
    self, train_batch: list[list[""]], batch_idx: int
) -> dict[str, float]:
    """Execute single training step for model.

        train_batch: A single batch from the dataset which is a list of `Frame` objects
                    with length `clip_length` containing Instances and other metadata.
        batch_idx: the batch number used by lightning

        A dict containing the train loss plus any other metrics specified
    result = self._shared_eval_step(train_batch[0], mode="train")
    self.log_metrics(result, len(train_batch[0]), "train")

    return result

validation_step(val_batch, batch_idx)

Execute single val step for model.


Name Type Description Default
val_batch list[list[Frame]]

A single batch from the dataset which is a list of Frame objects with length clip_length containing Instances and other metadata.

batch_idx int

the batch number used by lightning



Type Description
dict[str, float]

A dict containing the val loss plus any other metrics specified

Source code in dreem/models/
def validation_step(
    self, val_batch: list[list[""]], batch_idx: int
) -> dict[str, float]:
    """Execute single val step for model.

        val_batch: A single batch from the dataset which is a list of `Frame` objects
                    with length `clip_length` containing Instances and other metadata.
        batch_idx: the batch number used by lightning

        A dict containing the val loss plus any other metrics specified
    result = self._shared_eval_step(val_batch[0], mode="val")
    self.log_metrics(result, len(val_batch[0]), "val")

    return result