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Description of inference params

Here we describe the parameters used for inference. See here for an example inference config.

  • ckpt_path: (str) the path to the saved model checkpoint. Can optionally provide a list of models and this will trigger batch inference where each pod gets a model to run inference with. e.g:
    ckpt_path: "/path/to/model.ckpt"
  • out_dir: (str) a directory path where to store outputs. e.g:
    out_dir: "/path/to/results/dir"


This section configures the tracker.

  • window_size: (int) the size of the window used during sliding inference.
  • use_vis_feats: (bool) Whether or not to use visual feature extractor.
  • overlap_thresh: (float) the trajectory overlap threshold to be used for assignment.
  • mult_thresh: (bool) Whether or not to use weight threshold.
  • decay_time: (float) weight for decay_time postprocessing.
  • iou: (str | None) Either {None, '', "mult" or "max"}. Whether to use multiplicative or max iou reweighting.
  • max_center_dist: (float) distance threshold for filtering trajectory score matrix.
  • persistent_tracking: (bool) whether to keep a buffer across chunks or not.
  • max_gap: (int) the max number of frames a trajectory can be missing before termination.
  • max_tracks: (int) the maximum number of tracks that can be created while tracking. We force the tracker to assign instances to a track instead of creating a new track if max_trackshas been reached.


    window_size: 8
    overlap_thresh: 0.01
    mult_thresh: false
    decay_time: 0.9
    iou: "mult"
    max_center_dist: 0.1


This section contains the params for initializing the datasets for training. Requires a test_dataset keys.

BaseDataset args

  • padding: An int representing the amount of padding to be added to each side of the bounding box size
  • crop_size: (int|tuple) the size of the bounding box around which a crop will form.
  • chunk: Whether or not to chunk videos into smaller clips to feed to model
  • clip_length: the number of frames in each chunk
  • mode: train or val. Determines whether this dataset is used for training or validation.
  • n_chunks: Number of chunks to subsample from. Can either a fraction of the dataset (ie (0,1.0]) or number of chunks
  • seed: set a seed for reproducibility
  • gt_list: An optional path to .txt file containing ground truth for cell tracking challenge datasets.


This section allows you to pass a directory rather than paths to labels/videos individually

  • path: The path to the dir where the data is stored (recommend absolute path)
  • labels_suffix: (str) containing the file extension to search for labels files. e.g. .slp, .csv, or .xml.
  • vid_suffix: (str) containing the file extension to search for video files e.g .mp4, .avi or .tif.
            path: "/path/to/data/dir/mode"
            labels_suffix: ".slp"
            vid_suffix: ".mp4"


This subsection contains params for albumentations. See albumentations for available visual augmentations. Other available augmentations include NodeDropout and InstanceDropout. Keys must match augmentation class name exactly and contain subsections with parameters for the augmentation

        limit: 45
        p: 0.3
        blur_limit: [3,7]
        p: 0.3

SleapDataset Args:

  • slp_files: (str) a list of .slp files storing tracking annotations
  • video_files: (str) a list of paths to video files
  • anchors: (str | list | int) One of:
    • a string indicating a single node to center crops around
    • a list of skeleton node names to be used as the center of crops
    • an int indicating the number of anchors to randomly select If unavailable then crop around the midpoint between all visible anchors.
  • handle_missing: how to handle missing single nodes. one of ["drop", "ignore", "centroid"].
    • if drop then we dont include instances which are missing the anchor.
    • if ignore then we use a mask instead of a crop and nan centroids/bboxes.
    • if centroid then we default to the pose centroid as the node to crop around.


  • videos: (list[str | list[str]]) paths to raw microscopy videos
  • tracks: (list[str]) paths to trackmate gt labels (either .xml or .csv)
  • source: file format of gt labels based on label generator. Either "trackmate" or "isbi".


  • raw_images: (list[list[str] | list[list[str]]]) paths to raw microscopy images
  • gt_images: (list[list[str] | list[list[str]]]) paths to gt label images
  • gt_list: (list[str]) An optional path to .txt file containing gt ids stored in cell tracking challenge format: "track_id", "start_frame", "end_frame", "parent_id"

dataset Examples


        slp_files: ["/path/to/test/labels1.slp", "/path/to/test/labels2.slp", ..., "/path/to/test/labelsN.slp"]
        video_files: ["/path/to/test/video1.mp4", "/path/to/test/video2.mp4", ..., "/path/to/test/videoN.mp4"]
        padding: 5
        crop_size: 128 
        chunk: True
        clip_length: 32
        anchors: ["node1", "node2", ..."node_n"]
        handle_missing: "drop"
        ... # we don't include augmentations bc usually you shouldnt use augmentations during val/test


        tracks: ["/path/to/test/labels1.csv", "/path/to/test/labels2.csv", ..., "/path/to/test/labelsN.csv"]
        videos: ["/path/to/test/video1.tiff", "/path/to/test/video2.tiff", ..., "/path/to/test/videoN.tiff"]
        source: "trackmate"
        padding: 5
        crop_size: 128 
        chunk: True
        clip_length: 32
        ... # we don't include augmentations bc usually you shouldnt use augmentations during val/test


This section outlines the params needed for the dataloader. Should have a train_dataloader and optionally val_dataloader/test_dataloader keys.

Below we list the args we found useful/necessary for the dataloaders. For more advanced users see for more ways to initialize the dataloaders

  • shuffle: (bool) Set to True to have the data reshuffled at every epoch (during training, this should always be True and during val/test usually False)
  • num_workers: (int) How many subprocesses to use for data loading. 0 means that the data will be loaded in the main process.


    test_dataloader: # we leave out the `shuffle` field as default=`False` which is what we want
        num_workers: 4

Example Config